As an art educator, my priority is to create an inclusive classroom with curricula that is engaging, meaningful and relevant to all of my students. I see every classroom as a vibrant community of individuals with their own interests, skills and personal experiences to share. Therefore, I use student-centered teaching strategies—with less teacher talk and more collaboration.
I see art not simply as material skills. Art is a lens through which students can learn and make meaning about their world. I foster meaning-making by using essential questions that encourage students to think critically and make connections.
Students are our future inventors, designers, builders, and problem-solvers, and the art room is one place they can explore their ideas and learn new techniques. Therefore, it is also a priority for me to offer learners as much hands-on experience with art media as possible—always with an emphasis on investigation and process over outcome.
My classroom is a place where students can share their own personal stories, strengths, and aspirations—a place where they can reflect on important issues, question injustices, and make meaning for themselves—while making art!